Issue Overview
In rare instances, if the left and right frame inserts of Ruger SR22 pistols are not properly secured together, the firing pin blocker lifter and hammer block can move independently of each other, potentially rendering them ineffective. If this situation occurs, the pistol will intermittently exhibit a “slack” single-action trigger and has the potential to discharge if decocked over a live round. (Watch our overview video)
NOTE: A “slack” single-action trigger occurs if, while operating the pistol in single-action mode with a magazine inserted, the slide forward, and the manual safety disengaged, a trigger pull does not encounter resistance and the hammer does not fall.

S&W Response
posted on August 7, 2023
CZ-USA All-American
Single Trap shotgun

Henry .45-70 Recall
Walther Arms, Inc. discovered a Potential safety issue with certain PPS M2 Pistols.
Click the Link to learn more and follow the lastest fire arms recalls
Walther PPS Recall
Ruger has discovered that a number of Ruger-57 pistols may have right safety levers that do not meet their specifications and may be prone to cracking.
Click the Link to learn more and follow the lastest fire arms recalls
Ruger 57 Recall
Smith & Wesson has identified two M&P Shield EZ Pistols on which the hammers manufactured by their supplier were cracked.
Click the Link to learn more and follow the lastest fire arms recalls
Shield EZ Recall
Smith & Wesson has identified two M&P15-22 firearms from recent production on which the breech face counter bore depth was not within manufacturing specification.
Click the Link to learn more and follow the lastest fire arms recalls
M&P15-22 Recall
FN recently became aware of a condition found within the FNS family of pistols that, under a very limited and unlikely set of circumstances, could cause the pistol to delay fire after the trigger is initially pulled.
Click the Link to learn more and follow the lastest fire arms recalls
FNS Pistols Recall